(This was my final jam entry for Ludum Dare 35.)

In Strata, you must find your way out of a shapeshifting microworld by indirectly manipulating walls, crawling through tunnels, and avoiding a squishy death! This game combines several of the other LD35 theme suggestions in a 2.5D first-person engine to produce a patient, if not shifty, experience.

Although the core engine was ported from another recent project, everything you see was created solo, from scratch, in the past three days. Unfortunately, the engine porting work used up most of the time I had for this event (doesn't it always?), so there are no sounds or texture mapped walls in this version. Next time, we'll see if we can pack in more features!

NOTE: This version is for desktop web browsers using a full keyboard.

Haxe, Luxe, Pinta, and Vim were all used to create this shifty little gem.

Please report any bugs below, and thanks for playing!

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